Exquisite Communion giftBy Shopper  (College Point, NY) - April 11, 2024 This trinket box is well-made and very pretty. My granddaughter will be thrilled with this gift!
Beyond beautiful Larger that I expected. But their new rosary bracelets and any other trinkets they get should fit great!
BeautifulBy Shopper  (Humboldt, IA) - March 29, 2024 My niece loved it for her first holy communion!
As expectedI think my granddaughters will love it!
Communion giftThe cross box is beautiful. I know my niece will love it. Special little gift personalized for her first communion, and it can hold all her little jewelry very well-made.
Updated reviewAfter initially being told my item was correct (bottom flowers were off center) I was contacted again by customer service that my order was incorrect and they quickly sent me a properly aligned item. Very fast and quick delivery. After first being disappointed, personalization mall quickly redeemed themselves.
PerfectBy Shopper  (Cape Coral, FL) - May 5, 2023 A very special gift for a very special granddaughter
Floral First Communion Personalized CrossIt is beautiful and came in perfect condition.
Very beautiful; for a 1st Communion girl.By Shopper  (Beltsville, MD) - April 19, 2023 Exactly like the picture. Packaged extremely well. Arrived in perfect condition. An heirloom!
Ceramic cross boxPleased with the timely delivery and good quality ceramics. Pretty floral design. My granddaughter will love this.
Exactly as expected Super cute! Arrived very quickly, and looks exactly as expected. Going to make the perfect little add-on gift.
mizzmargBy Shopper  (BUFFALO, NY) - March 28, 2023 This box is beautiful. I am very glad I got this box for my granddaughter.
Cute This turned out really cute. My only complaint is the top does not sit nicely with the base. The fit of the two pieces is not smooth and so disappointing in that regard.
Double check your Package EarlyThe engraving and lid was pretty....but I ONLY received the lid, not the whole Cross box. Unfortunately, I didn't open the box it came in to wrap until the day before I was leaving to go out of town for a 1st Communion and 1st Confirmation. I open the box to wrap the gifts, one was as I expected. This was incomplete and I was so disappointed as now I had no gift for an 8 year olds 1st Communion. It was disappointing.
Misleading picture I received this item with correct personalization. However, the bottom flowers are off centered, the pink flower is cut off. When I contacted customer service I was told my item was acceptable. Also, the lid does not fit in the base, it rocks back and forth. DO NOT ORDER.